Male Reproductive Anatomy Diagram

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

  • Less Discomfort
  • Quicker Recovery
  • 10X Fewer Risks

A safer, less invasive procedure, the No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) reduces vasectomy's already low complication rate. Developed in 1974, it differs from conventional vasectomy in how the two vas deferens (vasa) are reached. Worldwide, more than 15 million men have had the procedure.


No-Scalpel Vasectomy uses an advanced technique to anesthetize the scrotum more effectively. It requires no scalpel. The physician avoids complex surgery by carefully isolating the vas deferens using the fingers of one hand. The vasa are then fixed just below the scrotal skin. A single small opening in the skin is made with a pointed forceps. The vasa are then delivered through the skin, cut, and sealed.


No-Needle Anesthesia


  • Makes Vasectomy Virtually Pain Free
  • Uses only Spray Anesthesia, No Syringes
  • Reduces Anxiety Associated with Vasectomy

The No-Needle method employs advanced technology to anesthetize the scrotum and vas deferens. It makes the vasectomy procedure essentially painless. The procedure utilizes a hand-held applicator which sprays anesthesia through the skin and around the skin. The patient feels no more than a brief discomfort from the first spray injection.

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