No-Needle Vasectomy

Benefits Your Patients & Practice.

From Urologic Studies...

"a simple and safe approach with high patient satisfaction, as reflected in low pain scores.

The benefit of this technique without a needle is that it may decrease the fear of pain in men and enhance the popularity of vasectomy worldwide."

Journal of Urology
Vol. 173, 1677–1680, May 2005
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Video: No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy

In a recent study, reported on by ABC News, it was found that men who are considering a vasectomy are more worried about pain than the permanence of the procedure.

Of course this finding comes as little surprise to any physician experienced in performing vasectomy. What may be surprising, though, is that hundreds of physicians have already reduced patient pain anxiety with an easy to learn technique - No Needle Anesthesia.

Benefits of No-Needle Anesthesia

  • Reduces Fear of Pain from Needle Injection
  • Uses Anesthetic Solution More Effectively
  • Increases Word of Mouth Referral 100%

The Basics of Spray Anesthesia

The No-Needle method employs advanced technology to anesthetize the scrotum and vas deferens. The technique utilizes a hand-held applicator (MadaJet XL Urology) which sprays anesthetic solution approximately 4.5 mm beneath the skin to the vas deferens.

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