Adson Dressing Forceps,

SKU #VE-10-D

Adson Dressing Forceps, 4 3/4" (121mm) Serrated, Delicate Tip

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Adson Dressing Forceps

  • Adson Dressing Forceps


Read a Chapter From: No-Scalpel Vasectomy - Illustrated Guide for Surgeons 


No-scalpel vasectomy is a refined approach for isolating and delivering the vas. It requires two surgical instruments specially designed by Dr. Li Shunqiang, the inventor of the No-Scalpel technique. In this chapter, learn more about these two instruments and how they help to lower the risks of complications. Also, review a list of additional supplies. - Provided by Engender Health.

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Vasectomy Training Manual - Illustrated Guide -




Why Should You Learn the No-Scalpel Vasectomy?

Many teaching organizations have made the No-Scalpel technique their standard for training physicians and residents in vasectomy. If you're not currently performing the No-Scalpel Vasectomy, consider the benefits it offers your patients as well as your practice.

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AUA Vasectomy Guideline      

Hands On Training

Standard Instrument Set - LiBrand™ No Scalpel Vasectomy Set


These forceps are toothed and have a wide thumb grasp for increased precision and control. Adson Dressing Forceps, 4 3/4" (121mm) Serrated, Delicate Tip.